23 de outubro de 2024

“O pior emprego do mundo”: Book review, trivia and where to buy it

In October 2018, Thomas Traumann released “O pior emprego do mundo – 14 ministros da Fazendo contam como tomaram as decisões que mudaram o Brasil e mexeram no seu bolso” [“The worst job in the world – 14 Finance Ministers explain how they took decisions that changed Brazil and messed with your pockets”] to widespread media acclaim. The book is the result of three years of researching and conducting in-person interviews with 14 former Brazilian Finance Ministers, including Delfim Netto, Fernando Henrique Cardoso, Guido Mantega, Henrique Meirelles, Antonio Palocci and Zélia Cardoso de Mello, who revealed several important facts regarding relevant plans such as Cruzado and Real; the seizure of savings accounts; energy fees; foreign debt and hyperinflation – for those who did not live it of forgot what hyperinflation means, the book brings a piece of baffling information: the purchase price of a Volkswagen vehicle in August 1989 could only buy the car’s tires seven months later, on March 1990.

The book is a huge journalistic work focused on power, how rulers exercise it, and the complex relationship between the head of the economy and the President. Mr. Traumann portrays a vast landscape of the Brazilian economy and addresses the country’s worst crises in the last 50 years. He also explains how Brazil’s foreign debt became the highest in the world, shows how the 2013 demonstrations influenced the public debt explosion, and reveals how the economy was a deciding factor in Fernando Collor’s and Dilma Rousseff’s impeachments, and yet it saved FHC, Lula and Michel Temer from congressional votings.

You can acquire the book at Amazon. Amazon website.

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